The Gentleman’s Guide to Venus: Tipping

Hello and welcome to The Gentleman’s Guide to Venus! We’re here to give you a deep dive into the world of sensual body rub. We’ll be sharing model interviews, new photos, fun erotica, etiquette guidelines, and all the tips and tricks (pun fully intended) that will ensure your success in the wonderful world of sensual body rub.

Now, let’s talk just the tip! 😈

To tip or not to tip? All soliloquies aside, let’s get the formalities out of the way: officially, tipping body rub providers is not required and you should receive the same level of treatment whether you do or you don’t. That being said, a true gentleman knows the benefits of tipping his model.

In American culture it’s customary to tip everyone from wait staff to hairdressers. If you’ve been in NYC long enough, you may have even found yourself tipping a showtime performer for somehow not kicking you in the face on a crowded uptown 1 train. And don’t forget the cash you tuck in your super’s holiday card! So why would you even consider not tipping your body rub provider?

It’s no industry secret that girls prefer clients who tip regularly in any amount. Tipping is a sign of respect and generosity. It’s a thoughtful gesture that puts you above and beyond other suitors in her mind. A model who knows she’ll be taken care of is more likely to prioritize time with you. She’ll eagerly look forward to your next meeting and be even more eager to please - and what could be sexier than that?

As a woman who knows what it’s like to be tipped, trust me when I say that tipping your body rub provider creates a win-win situation. Your gratuity is an expression of respect for her time and energy. This makes her feel enthusiastic, complimented, and valued. She’ll be more likely to take your call over another. She’ll want to see you again and feel excited to make a genuine connection. She’ll cater to you the way you spoil her. So why not indulge?

Tipping can be contested among some of the review board super posters who have inflated ideas of a model’s income. In reality, body rub income can be hit or miss due to inherent fluctuations in the industry, market saturation, and frequent loss of critical ad platforms. R.I.P. to SWitter, backpage, and even craigslist’s missed connections, a victim of FOSTA. More recently, there’s been a global pandemic and historically high levels of inflation. Did I mention the NYC rental market? Fun!

Don’t forget that many girls only moonlight in erotic massage while pursing their future goals full time. By day they’re college students, artists, writers, performers, and generally aren’t giving body rubs every single day. Tipping your provider is like bringing her a full bouquet of roses - except they’re roses she can pay her bills with!

While the donation should always be provided up front, tips may be given before or after your time together. Of course there are times when tips aren’t merited, and no one should ever be pressured into giving a tip. But taking this post in good faith, my advice to you is this: providers prefer tippers. What was it they said about diamonds being a girl’s best friend?

The takeaway? Give a little, get a lot…give a lot, well, you’ll get even more.


Meet Violet: Interview + Photoshoot